Top 8 Free Landing Page Templates

Create beautiful landing pages with Notion. Our drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to design and publish landing pages that convert. With features like customizable layouts, color schemes, and text styles, you'll be able to create stunning pages that showcase your product or service.

What Should Landing Pages Templates Include?

Choosing the right landing page template can significantly enhance your project's visibility and user engagement. Here are key components to look for in a Notion landing page template:

  1. Clear Call-to-Action (CTA): The template should have a prominent and clear CTA button or link, guiding users towards your desired action.

  2. Engaging Headline: Look for templates that offer a compelling headline area that can succinctly communicate the value of your offering.

  3. Visual Elements: Good templates should balance text with visual elements like images or videos, which can help attract and retain visitor attention.

  4. Testimonials or Reviews: Templates that include sections for customer testimonials or reviews can build trust and credibility with potential users.

Selecting a template with these elements will ensure your landing page not only looks professional but also functions effectively to meet your goals.

What Should Landing Pages Templates Avoid?

When selecting a template for your landing page in Notion, it's essential to know what features might detract from your page's effectiveness. Here are three key components to steer clear of:

  1. Overly Complex Designs: Templates with too many elements can confuse visitors. Choose simplicity to keep the focus on your message and call to action.

  2. Auto-play Media: Avoid templates that include auto-playing videos or audio. These can be intrusive and may lead to higher bounce rates as visitors might leave the page quickly.

  3. Non-Responsive Design: Ensure the template is mobile-friendly. A non-responsive design can alienate a large portion of your audience who browse using their smartphones or tablets.

Choosing the right template involves looking for a clean, responsive design that aligns with your brand without overwhelming your visitors. Keep these tips in mind to enhance user engagement and effectiveness of your landing page.

1Landing Page

Erstelle mit der Landing Page-Vorlage von Notion eine fesselnde Online-Präsenz, die sich perfekt eignet, um deine Marke, deine Dienstleistungen oder dein persönliches Portfolio klar und eindrucksvoll vorzustellen.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Landing Page

2Workfolio | Your Personal Portfolio

Let's showcase your expertise with a clean and modern portfolio, this template is a great landing page portfolio.

It includes an About section, Projects portfolio, contact information, and more.

You can customize each page to match your personal brand and style, and add your own images and content to make it more amazing.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Workfolio | Your Personal Portfolio

3Start-up Pitch Deck

Präsentiere die Vision deines Start-ups mit der Vorlage "Start-up Pitch Deck" von Notion, die deine Geschäftsideen, Marktanalysen und strategischen Pläne potenziellen Investor/-innen und Partner/-innen überzeugend vorstellt.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Start-up Pitch Deck

4Pitch Deck

Sage es mit uns: Das Powerpoint-Pitch Deck ist tot. Beeindrucke Investor/-innen stattdessen mit einer interaktiven Notion-Seite. Antizipiere alle Fragen, die sie möglicherweise über dein Unternehmen haben, ohne sie mit zu vielen Informationen zu überfordern.
Nutze Notion-Galerien, um deine wichtigsten Anwendungsfälle, deine Kund/-innen und dein Team vorzustellen. Füge mehr Text, Bilder und Details in den Unterseiten der Galerie ein, sodass Investor/-innen selbst entscheiden können, worüber sie mehr lesen wollen. Du kannst außerdem eine Datenbank mit Konkurrenzunternehmen einfügen, um den Investor/-innen einen kurzen Überblick darüber zu geben, wie deine Funktionen im Vergleich zur Konkurrenz abschneiden.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Pitch Deck

5Product launch landing page

This template will help you create highly converting landing pages for your product without writing a single line of code. Just duplicate the template, change the content, and share it with world.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Product launch landing page

6Marketing Portfolio Template

This template includes a homepage for marketers to share their work experience, their philosophies on success, personal projects, and options to get in touch for job opportunities. The benefit of using this template is you get a great starting point with a variety of "blocks" and predetermined format that allows job seekers to simply fill in the blanks and save time creating their website.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Marketing Portfolio Template

7Course Sales Page Template

Perfect for coaches, online course creators, and any business owner looking to easily create a great sales page! The Notion Course Sales Page Template is strategically structured and designed to showcase your offer, module breakdown, pricing, testimonials, call to action, and more! The template simply requires you to plug your information in and start selling your course to the world. Use again and again for different offers and products.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Course Sales Page Template

8Landing Page for CV/Portfolio/Job Search

This template is useful for those who are looking for a job. It is brief but contains most of the tips for creating vivid experiences and skill descriptions. The structure of the page is convenient for the recruiter to learn more about the candidate.

Eine Vorlagenvorschau für Landing Page for CV/Portfolio/Job Search

Closing Thoughts

Utilizing these templates can significantly streamline the creation of engaging and professional landing pages. They are designed to save you time and effort, allowing you to focus more on content and less on layout.

Start implementing these tools today to enhance your online presence. Each template is fully customizable, enabling you to tailor them to your specific needs and brand identity. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your projects with ease and efficiency.

What is a Conversion Rate?

The percentage of visitors to a landing page who complete a desired action, such as filling out a form or making a purchase, out of the total number of visitors.

What is a Lead Magnet?

A lead magnet is an incentive offered on a landing page, such as a free ebook or webinar, designed to attract and capture the contact details of potential customers.

What is Above the Fold?

The portion of a landing page that is visible without scrolling. Content placed here is crucial as it is the first thing visitors see, influencing their first impression and engagement.


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