Top 9 Free Business Portal Templates in Notion

Having a Business Portal is crucial for centralizing information, streamlining processes, and fostering collaboration within a company. It serves as a single point of access for all important company resources, which can significantly enhance productivity and ensure consistency across the organization. A Business Portal Notion template can simplify the creation of such a portal by providing a structured framework that can be customized to fit the unique needs of your business.

Before you dive into creating your own Business Portal, consider exploring these Notion templates to make the process more efficient and effective.

1회사 홈

이 템플릿을 사용해 팀에서 필요한 모든 정보를 통합하고 협업을 원활하게 해 보세요. 조직의 미션과 가치 선언부터 직원 디렉토리까지, 모든 것을 깔끔하게 정리할 수 있답니다.

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2All-in-one team workspace

Here is your solution if you are tired of using a bung of not-connected services or templates. One access, 10 tools! Create projects and tasks, track the progress, provide the team with all needed documents, and even manage HR processes through the HR database, open-call templates, and your own website with job opportunities!

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3회사 박스

프로젝트, 문서, 회의, 위키 등 어떤 것이든 이 간단하면서도 강력한 템플릿으로 해결하세요.

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4Company Newsfeed

Welcome to the Company Newsfeed—an integrated Notion-Slack solution designed to keep your team informed and engaged. Share announcements, gather feedback, give kudos, and seek assistance effortlessly using specialized buttons like "Announcement," "Feedback Request," "Kudos," and "Help." Elevate team communication and collaboration with ease, making sure no important update or interaction gets missed or forgotton.

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5Simple Startup Company Home

Use this template to get your company home page set up using Notion. Maintain a single database to access all aspects of running your startup for ease of use. Set up different pages for your teams to collaborate efficiently and hold all of your key information in easy to access places.

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6Company Values Hub

This template is designed as a central hub for communicating and reinforcing company values to employees. It starts by stating the company's mission and values. It’s especially useful for onboarding, continual cultural alignment, and ensuring a cohesive understanding of values among team members.

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7오피스, 직원, 행사

전 세계 오피스에 대한 모든 정보를 모아보세요. 오피스별 근무 직원, 오피스 매니저, 행사 등을 확인할 수 있어요.

오피스, 직원, 행사님의 템플릿 미리보기

8Simple Company Landing Page

Companies can use this page as a quick start for getting their landing page developed in Notion. Provides simple and basic functionality for ease of use and avoids complex functionality to keep customer interaction as smooth as possible.

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9Business Home Page

Clear departments in an organisation and key resources.

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