Student Dashboard

Revolutionize Your Student Experience with a Structured Notion Dashboard.
Discover an all-in-one template designed to streamline your academic journey. This pre-built Notion template is meticulously crafted to elevate your student experience. Consolidate your classes,course note.
템플릿 설명

Revolutionize Your Student Experience with a Structured Notion Dashboard.

Discover an all-in-one template designed to streamline your academic journey. This pre-built Notion template is meticulously crafted to elevate your student experience. Consolidate your classes, course notes, and assignments in one central hub, simplifying your academic life and empowering you to excel effortlessly.

Here are some of the features:

Individual course pages
Deadline Reminders
Grade Analytics
Assignments and exams tracking
Note-taking system
Personal Goal Setting
Upcoming assignment and exam overview
Progress Tracking
Exam grade book and calculator
Quick sidebar navigation
Customizable Templates

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